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How to Have Better Mornings

morningMornings can make or break us. Here are some tips for getting out of the house on time, and in a better mood.

  • Lay out your clothes the night before. Lay out everything, including underwear, socks and shoes.
  • Make sure your kitchen sink is clean and empty before you go to bed. Then, when you wake up, you will be able to easily make coffee, feed the cat, etc.
  • Make sure your dishwasher is emptied at night. Then you don’t have to empty it in the morning.
  • Go to bed at a decent hour. If you aren’t sleepy, force yourself to get into the bed anyway.
  • One hour before bedtime, step away from the computer, the television, your phone or any lighted screen. Turn them all off. Take a nice warm bath or shower, and get into the bed and read.
  • Put anything you will need to take with you the next day by the front door, so you don’t have to frantically look for it in the morning.
  • When your feet hit the floor in the morning, make your bed, go into the bathroom and get dressed all the way to your shoes. Then you can get your breakfast, etc. and not be rushing at the last minute to finish getting dressed.
  • Do you really need to take a yoga class at 4 in the morning? Maybe the extra sleep would be more beneficial. Same goes for a serious workout at the gym before you get to work. You may be trying to do too much in the morning. A few stretches to start the day is fine, and you won’t be too stressed trying to deal with traffic, etc.
  • Drink a glass of water when you get up in the morning. This is a good way to wake the body up.

I hope these tips help you move through your mornings more peacefully!